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Nedarim 1:4-2:1

Nedarim 1:4

If one says “sacrifice,” “burnt offering,” “flour offering,” “sin offering,” “thanksgiving offering” or “peace offering that I will not eat from you,” it is prohibited. In these cases, Rabbi Yehuda permits it. If he says, “the sacrifice,” “like a sacrifice” or “sacrifice that I eat from you,” it is prohibited. If he says, “for a sacrifice that I will not eat from you,” Rabbi Meir prohibits it. If one person says to another, “Konam my mouth that speaks with you,” “my hand that works with you” or “my foot that walks with you,” it is prohibited.

Nedarim 2:1

The following forms for vows are ineffective: “What I eat from you will be chulin” (i.e., non-sanctified food), “like pork,” “like an idol,” “like pierced skins” (which were a sign of idolatry and not permitted), “like carrion,” “like torn animals,” “like vermin,” “like crawling things” and “like the challah and terumah of Aaron” (i.e., the portions for kohanim). None of these formulas prohibit. If a man says to his wife, “You are to me like my mother” (a language that is not effective under Torah law), the Sages nevertheless require him to seek release from his vow so that one will not make such statements lightly. If one says, “Konam that I will not sleep,” “I will not speak,” “I will not walk” or if one says to his wife, “Konam that I will not have relations with you” – to all of these, the verse “he may not violate his word” (Numbers 30:3) applies. If one says “Shevuah that I will not sleep,” “I will not speak” or “I will not walk,” these things are prohibited.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz