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Nedarim 3:9-10

Nedarim 3:9

[Yilodim means those who have been born; noladim means those who have been born and those who will be born.] If a person vows not to benefit from yilodim, he may benefit from noladim (i.e. those not yet born). If he vowed not to benefit from noladim, he may not benefit from yilodim (which is a sub-set of noladim). Rabbi Meir permits one who vows against noladim to benefit from yilodim (assuming that by noladim the one who vowed meant only those yet to be born). The Sages say that when one says “noldaim” his intention is species that give birth (as opposed to laying eggs).

Nedarim 3:10

If a person vows not to benefit from those who rest on Shabbos, he is prohibited to benefit from both Jews and Samaritans. If he vows not to benefit from those who eat garlic, he is prohibited to benefit from both Jews and Samaritans. If he vows not to benefit from those make pilgrimage to Jerusalem, he is prohibited to benefit from Jews and permitted to benefit from Samaritans.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz