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Nedarim 6:6-7

Nedarim 6:6

If one vows prohibiting himself from meat, he may have meat juice and the jelly that forms; Rabbi Yehuda does not permit this. Rabbi Yehuda recounted an incident in which Rabbi Tarfon prohibited him to have even eggs that had been cooked with the meat. The Sages replied that this is the case when a person prohibits upon himself a particular piece of meat that lies before him. If one prohibits upon himself one thing that is mixed with another, if it is of sufficient quantity to impart flavor, it is prohibited.

Nedarim 6:7

If one vows prohibiting himself from wine, he may have cooked food that has the taste of wine. If he said, “Konam I do not taste this wine” and the wine then spilled into a cooked dish, if it is of a volume sufficient to impart flavor, it is prohibited. If one vows prohibiting himself from grapes, he may have wine. If from olives, he may have oil. If he said, “Konam I do not taste these grapes and olives,” he may not have them, nor the things that come from them.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz