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Nedarim 6:8-9

Nedarim 6:8

If one vows prohibiting himself from dates, he may have date honey. If from post-harvest grapes, he may have post-harvest grape vinegar. Rabbi Yehuda ben Beseira says that if a food’s product is called by the food’s name (e.g., “date honey,” “post-harvest grape vinegar”) and he vows prohibiting that food upon himself, he also prohibits the product. The Sages, however, permit the product.

Nedarim 6:9

If one vows prohibiting himself from wine, he may have apple wine. If from oil, he may have sesame oil. If from honey, he may have date honey. If from vinegar, he may have post-harvest grape vinegar. If from leeks, he may have scallions. If from vegetables, he may have wild vegetables because they are called by a special name. 

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz