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Nazir 2:1-2
Nazir 2:1
If a person says that he is a nazir from dried figs and from fig cakes, Beis Shammai say that he is a nazir and Beis Hillel say that he is not. Rabbi Yehuda says that even Beis Shammai did not say this about a nazir, only about one who obligates himself to bring an offering.
Nazir 2:2
If a person says, “This cow said, ‘I am a nazir if I stand up’” or “This door said, ‘I am a nazir if I am opened,’” Beis Shammai says the person is a nazir and Beis Hillel say he is not. Rabbi Yehuda says that even Beis Shammai did not say this about a nazir, only about one who obligates himself to bring an offering if the cow stands up.
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz