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Nazir 5:1-2
Nazir 5:1
Beis Shammai say that if something is accidentally consecrated, it is consecrated; Beis Hillel say that it is not, as follows: If one says, “The black ox that exits my house first is consecrated” and a white ox comes out, Beis Shammai say it is consecrated and Beis Hillel say it isn’t.
Nazir 5:2
If a person says, “The gold coin that comes into my hand first is consecrated” and he pulls out a silver coin, Beis Shammai say it is consecrated and Beis Hillel say it isn’t. If a person says, “The barrel of wine that comes into my hand first is consecrated” and he grabs a barrel of oil, Beis Shammai say it is consecrated and Beis Hillel say it isn’t.
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz