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Sotah 1:6-7

Sotah 1:6

If she was wearing white, they dress her in black. If she was wearing gold jewelry, necklaces, nose rings and finger rings, they remove them in order to make her look less attractive. They then brought an Egyptian rope and tied it above her breasts (so that her torn garment should not reveal more than necessary). Whoever wanted to watch the sotah process was permitted except for her male and female servants, as she would be likely to resist confessing in their presence. All women were permitted to watch as per Ezekiel 23:48, “so that all women should learn not to copy your infidelity.”

Sotah 1:7

The way in which a person sins is the basis for their punishment. An unfaithful wife dressed herself up for her infidelity so God commands that she be made unattractive. She uncovered herself for sin, so God commanded that she be revealed (in that the sotah ceremony is public). She sinned with her thigh first, then with her belly (a euphemism), so she is punished first in the thigh, then in the belly, and the rest of the body follows.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz