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Sotah 1:8-9

Sotah 1:8

Continuing the idea that one is punished in the manner that he sinned: Samson sinned with the eyes so the Philistines blinded him, as seen in Judges 16:21. Avshalom was vain about his hair and he ended up being hanged by his hair. He violated ten of his father David’s concubines, for which he was pierced by ten spears (see II Samuel 18:15). He stole three hearts – those of his father, the court and the people – for which he was pierced by three darts, as seen in II Samuel 18:14, “He took three darts in his hand and stabbed them into Avshalom’s heart.”

Sotah 1:9

The same principle applies to reward: Miriam waited one hour to see what would happen to Moshe, as per Exodus 2:4, “His sister positioned herself at a distance,” so the people waited for her seven days in the wilderness, as per Numbers 12:15, “the people did not travel until Miriam was brought back in.” Yoseif took care of his father's burial even though he was the greatest of his brothers, as per Genesis 50:7-9, “Yoseif went to bury his father… He brought chariots and horsemen with him.” Who merited a greater burial than Yoseif, who was buried by Moshe? Moshe was the greatest person in Israel and he took care of Yoseif’s burial, as per Exodus 13:19, “Moshe took the bones of Yoseif with him.” And who merited a greater burial than Moshe, who was buried by God Himself? Deuteronomy 34:6 tells us, “He (i.e., God) buried him in the valley.” God didn’t only attend to Moshe, He attends to all the righteous, as per Isaiah 58:8, “Your righteousness will go before you and the glory of God will gather you in.”

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz