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Sotah 8:5-6

Sotah 8:5

Continuing with Deuteronomy 20:8, “The officers will continue addressing the people, saying, ‘Who is scared and faint of heart? Let him return home.’” Rabbi Akiva says that this means literally scared that he cannot stand battle and confront a drawn sword. Rabbi Yosi HaGlili says it means one who is scared because of his sins; the Torah adds this person to those who return home because of a house, a vineyard or a wife so that he can return home without being shamed. Rabbi Yosi says that one who is scared and faint of heart refers to a Kohein Gadol who marries a widow, a regular kohein who marries a divorcee or a woman who performed chalitzah, a Yisroel who marries a mamzeress or a Gibeonite woman, or a mamzer or a Gibeonite man who marries the daughter of a Yisroel.

Sotah 8:6

Deuteronomy 20:9: “When the officers have finished addressing the people, platoon leaders are appointed at the heads of the people” – and at the rear of the people. Guards were stationed in the front, and others in the back who had iron axes in their hands. If anyone tried to flee, these guards were allowed to strike them in the legs. This is because running away leads to defeat as we see in I Samuel 4:17, “Israel fled from the Philistines and there was a great massacre among the people.” I Samuel 31:1 says, “The men of Israel fled from the Philistines and fell slain."

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz