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Sotah 8:7-9:1

Sotah 8:7

The instruction to return from battle only applies in an optional war (i.e., one that the king was empowered to wage at his discretion). In a war that is a mitzvah (i.e., one that the Torah requires), everyone must go to battle, even a groom from his bridal chambers and a bride from her bridal canopy. [Women did not go to battle; this is just an expression, based on Joel 2:16.] Rabbi Yehuda says that the instruction to return from battle only applies in a war that is a mitzvah. In an obligatory war, everyone must go to battle, even a groom from his bridal chambers and a bride from her bridal canopy. [Rabbi Yehuda basically agrees with the first opinion. They differ as to the nature of preemptive wars. See Talmud Sotah 44b.]

Sotah 9:1

The section of the eglah arufah (the calf whose neck is broken in the case of an unsolved murder) is recited in Hebrew as per Deuteronomy 21:1-2: “If a body is found in the land…your elders and judges shall go out,” meaning three from the Sanhedrin in Jerusalem. Rabbi Yehuda says five went out because “elders” means a minimum of two and “judges” means a minimum of two. We add one because a court must always be an odd number (to prevent a tie).

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz