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Sotah 9:12-13

Sotah 9:12

When the early prophets died, the Urim and Tumim ceased. When the Temple was destroyed, the shamir (a worm that could cut rock) and the superior honey ceased, and men of faith could no longer be found, as per Psalms 12:2, “Help, Hashem, because the pious have ceased.” Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel said in the name of Rabbi Yehoshua that, since the Temple was destroyed, there is no day without a curse, dew does not form for a blessing and the taste of fruits has deteriorated. Rabbi Yosi said that even the nutritional value of fruit has deteriorated.

Sotah 9:13

Rabbi Shimon ben Elazar said that when people stopped eating produce in a state of ritual cleanliness, the taste and smell of the produce deteriorated. When people stopped separating tithes, the quality of the grain deteriorated. The Sages say that all deterioration is the result of people engaging in promiscuity and sorcery.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz