Jewish Music to Secular Tunes (Torah and Music Part 4)

  • In the previous three shiurim we looked at the halachic and hashkafic perspectives on to music in terms of zecher lechurban and on secular music generally. We also looked at the deeply positive roots of music in Torah thought - in the Mikdash, in tehillim, in prayer and in learning.
  • In this shiur we will examine the modern Jewish music industry - creating new Jewish melodies for classic words of Torah. We will also examine the far older custom of using non-Jewish melodies for Jewish religious song - in shul and around the Shabbat table.

Delivered 27 Av 5782 / August 24, 2022

Rabbi Manning's series for 2022 has been sponsored לעילוי נשמת ברנה בת בנדית וזליג בן קלמן