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Kiddushin 1:10-2:1

Kiddushin 1:10

A person who performs a mitzvah is rewarded, his life is extended and he inherits the Next World. One who does not perform a mitzvah is not rewarded, his life is not extended and he does not inherit the Next World. One who studies the Written and Oral Laws and behaves properly will not sin easily, as per Kohelet 4:12, “a three-ply cord is not easily broken.” One who does not study the Written and Oral Laws and does not have proper conduct is of no use to society.

Kiddushin 2:1

A man can betroth a woman personally or through an agent; a woman can accept betrothal personally or through an agent. A man can accept betrothal for his daughter when she is a naarah (i.e., between the ages of 12 and 12 1/2) personally or through an agent. If a man says to a woman, “Be betrothed to me with this date” or “Be betrothed to me with this” (and he gives her another date), if one of the dates is worth a prutah (a small denomination of coin), she is betrothed to him; if it is not worth a prutah, then she is not betrothed. If he says, “with this, this and this” (and he gives her several dates), if all together they are worth a prutah, then she is betrothed to him; if not, then she is not. If she eats the dates individually, she is not betrothed unless one of them is worth a prutah.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz