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Kiddushin 2:4-5

Kiddushin 2:4

If a man instructs his agent to betroth a woman in a particular place but the agent betroths her somewhere else, the couple is not betrothed. If the man told his agent that the woman could be found in a particular place and he betrothed her elsewhere, then they are betrothed.

Kiddushin 2:5

If a man betroths a woman on the condition that she is not encumbered by any vows and it turns out that she is so encumbered, she is not betrothed. If he marries her without such a stipulation and it turns out that she is encumbered by vows, she can be divorced without paying her the value of her kesubah. If a man betroths a woman on the condition that she has no physical defects and she turns out to have such defects, she is not betrothed. If he marries her without such a stipulation and it turns out that she has such defects, she can be divorced without paying her the value of her kesubah. The defects in question are the same ones that would disqualify a kohein from performing the Temple service (see Bechoros chapter 7 for details).

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz