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Baba Kama 3:1-2

Baba Kama 3:1

If one person put a jug down in the public domain and another person tripped over it and broke it, he is exempt from paying for it. If the one who tripped gets injured, the owner of the jug is liable. If a jug were to break in the public domain and someone were to slip in the spilled water or get cut by the shards, the owner is liable. Rabbi Yehuda says the owner is only liable if he intended to use the shards or the water after the jug broke, otherwise he is exempt.

Baba Kama 3:2

If one person pours out water in the public domain and another person gets injured by it, the one who poured it is liable. If a person hides a thorn or some glass in the public domain, or if he makes a fence out of thorns and it falls into the public domain, if someone is injured, the one responsible is liable.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz