Calendar Conundrums Part 3: V’Ten Tal U’Matar & December 4th (5th)

  • In Part 1 and Part 2 we looked at the astronomical and biblical foundations of the Jewish calendar and the fixing of the calendar. We also looked at some of the tensions between the Jewish calendar and the secular calendar
  • In this shiur we will look be’H at the strange conundrum of the use of the secular date December 4/5 to begin asking for rain.

Rabbi Manning's series for 2022 has been sponsored לעילוי נשמת ברנה בת בנדית וזליג בן קלמן

Dedicated in loving memory of our dear sister on her 42nd yahrzeit חיה בלומה בת אברהם מאיר ע"ה, Betty David Kahane by Mel David and Gitty & Mendy Zwick