2,548. A Lung That Sticks to the Ribs

Hilchos Shechita 7:4

The previous halacha applies when a hole in the lobe of a lung is sealed by flesh; if the hole is pressed against the rib bone, it doesn’t save it. However, if the hole in the lobe is against a combination of bone and flesh, the animal is permitted.

Hilchos Shechita 7:5

If the lung is found to be sticking to the ribs, we are concerned that it might have been punctured; this is so regardless of whether there are growths on the lung or not. In such a case, we separate the lung from the rib, taking care not to puncture it. If it’s found to be punctured and a bruise is found on the rib in the place of the hole, we assume that the hole was caused by the bruise. If there wasn’t any bruise on the rib, it’s obvious that the hole existed in the lung before the animal was slaughtered; it is therefore a treifa.