2,547. Puncturing a Lung

Hilchos Shechita 7:2

Let’s say that someone starts performing shechita. He slits the whole trachea, then he punctures the lung, after which he completes the slaughter. In such a case, the animal’s a treifa because the lung was punctured before the shechita was finished. The same is true in all comparable cases.

Hilchos Shechita 7:3

If any of the bronchioles is punctured, the animal’s a treifa. This is so even if the hole is covered by another bronchiole. If someone saw that it had been punctured and then the hole scabbed over, it (i.e., the fact that it scabbed over) is immaterial. If the lung itself is punctured, the animal’s a treifa even if a rib seals the hole. If the lung is punctured in a place where it divides into lobes and the lobe is on a rib, then the animal remains kosher.