2,542. Comparing Puncture Holes

Hilchos Shechita 6:13

If an animal swallowed something that will perforate its intestines, such as ferula root and similar things, it’s a treifa because we’re sure that it made such holes; if there’s a doubt as to whether a hole was made, the animal is checked. If any part of the alimentary canal through which the waste passes – specifically the intestine – is punctured, the animal is a treifa. The ones that are curved and surround one another like a coiled snake are called the small intestine. If ones of these coils is perforated to another, the animal remains permitted because the other coil seals the hole.

Hilchos Shechita 6:14

If a punctured digestive organ was sealed by bodily fluids, the animal is a treifa because such a seal won’t hold. If a wolf, dog or similar predator grabs a slaughtered animal's intestines and they’re later found punctured, we assume that the predator did it so the animal remains permitted. We don’t assume that the predator might have made a hole where one already existed. If an intestine was found to be punctured and we don’t know whether the hole was made before or after slaughter, we make another hole and compare them. If they look alike, the animal is kosher; if the holes are different, the first was made before slaughter and the animal’s a treifa. If a doubtful hole was handled, the hole made for comparison purposes must also be handled before comparing them.