2,541. A Needle Found in the Reticulum

Hilchos Shechita 6:11

If an animal’s rumen (one of its stomachs) is punctured, it’s a treifa; nothing can seal it because the fat on it is prohibited. Similarly, when there is a perforation of the omasum or the reticulum that leads to its outside, the animal is a treifa. If one of these was punctured and the hole leads to the cavity of the other, then the animal remains permitted.

Hilchos Shechita 6:12

If a needle was found in the folds of the reticulum on one side, the animal remains permitted; if it made a complete hole to the cavity of the reticulum and a drop of blood was found at the site of the hole, then the animal is a treifa. This is because we’re sure that the hole was made before the animal was slaughtered. If there’s no blood at the site of the hole, the animal remains permitted because we’re sure that the needle made the hole after the animal was slaughtered.