2,540. Punctures in the Stomach

Hilchos Shechita 6:9

Continuing from the previous halacha, if a small needle was found in one of the liver’s lobes, the animal is a treifa. This is because both ends are sharp so it definitely made a hole. If the needle is found in the large artery that leads the liver, the animal remains permitted. If the flesh of the liver became infested with worms, it likewise remains permitted.

Hilchos Shechita 6:10

If the abomasum (one of a cow’s stomachs) is punctured and permitted fat seals the hole, the animal remains permitted. Likewise, whenever a hole is sealed with flesh or permitted fats, the animal remains permitted, except in the following cases: the fat of the heart; the membrane over the heart; the diaphragm between the digestive and respiratory systems, which when cut open reveals the lungs – this is called the liver membrane; the white spot in the middle of the liver; the fat of the colon. We don’t consider these to seal a hole because of their stiffness. Therefore, a hole that is covered by one of these isn’t considered sealed. A piece of fat from a wild animal that is analogous to a forbidden fat in a domesticated animal doesn’t seal a hole even though it may be eaten.