2,531. The Definition of Mauling

Hilchos Shechita 5:3

All of these were communicated to Moshe at Sinai but only “mauled” is overtly mentioned in the Torah so the Sages ruled more stringently in that case. Any doubt that arises in a case of mauling renders the animal prohibited. As we shall see, when it comes to the other seven conditions, there are cases of doubt in which an animal will be permitted.

Hilchos Shechita 5:4

“Mauled” is when a lion or other predator attacks an animal with its paw, or a hawk, eagle or other predatory bird attacks a bird. “Mauling” applies to large domesticated and wild animals only when attacked by a lion, to small domesticated and wild animals only when attacked by a wolf or something larger. It applies with regard to kids and lambs even when attacked by animals like cats, foxes, mongooses, etc.