Yevamos - Daf 68

  • בן תשע שנים ויום אחד

The Mishnah on Daf 67b listed five cases of פוסלין ולא מאכילין - where the relationship between a bas-Kohen and a non-Kohen disqualify her from eating terumah, where the exact same relationship between a bas Yisroel and a Kohen does not entitle her to eat terumah. One of the cases was a בן תשע שנים ויום אחד – a boy nine years old and one day. Abaye said this is referring to when the boy who is a Kohen had relations with his yevamah, דמדאורייתא קניא לה – who was acquired by him on a d’Oraysa level. One might have thought that since ביאתו ביאה אימא ליכול – his relations are halachically valid that he should entitle her to eat terumah, just as an adult yavam entitles his yevamah to eat terumah. Therefore, the Mishnah is coming to teach that he does not, because עשו ביאת בן תשע שנים ויום אחד כמאמר בגדול – the Rabbanon reduced the status of relations of such a boy to the maamar by an adult, which does not entitle the yevamah to eat terumah. Rava challenges Abaye and says instead, that the case is referring to a boy of blemished lineage, such as a mamzer or a nasin, who disqualifies a woman from eating terumah.

  •  Source that a person of blemished lineage disqualifies a woman from terumah and the kehunah

The Gemara asks for the source for the halachah that having relations with a person of blemished lineage disqualifies a woman from terumah and Kehunah. Rav Yehudah said in the name of Rav: The passuk states: "ובת כהן כי תהיה לאיש זר" – And if a bas-Kohen should be to a zar, she may not eat terumah. This teaches כיון שנבעלה לפסול לה פסלה – since she has had relations with someone not fit for her, she is disqualified from eating terumah. When the Gemara challenges this, saying that this passuk is needed for its simple pshat, that בת כהן דמינסבא לזר לא תיכול – a bas-Kohen who marries a zar may not eat terumah, it answers that that halachah is learned from the next passuk, which states: if a Kohen’s daughter should become a widow or divorcee, "ושבה אל בית אביה כנעוריה מלחם אביה תאכל" – she shall return to her father’s house as in her youth; from her father’s bread she shall eat. Since the passuk stated, “she shall return to her father’s house…she shall eat,” it implies that while she was married to the zar she was not permitted to eat terumah. The Gemara continues with an extensive analysis of these pesukim.

  • A Leviah and Yisraelis become passul to the Kehunah if they had relations with a passul

After providing the source that both a Leviah and Yisraelis become passul from eating terumah when having relations with a passul, it seeks the source that they are also prohibited to the Kehunah. The Gemara answers that it is a kal v’chomer from a gerushah. מה גרושה שמותרת בתרומה אסורה לכהונה – If a gerushah, who is permitted to eat terumah if she is a bas-Kohen, is nonetheless forbidden to marry into the kehunah, זו שאסורה בתרומה אינו דין שפסולה לכהונה -then this woman (the Leviah or Yisraelis) who is prohibited from eating terumah, is it not logical that she should not be permitted to marry into the Kehunah? When the Gemara asks, וכי מזהירין מן הדין – But can we establish a lo sa’aseh from a logical inference, it answers, גלוי מילתא בעלמא הוא – the kal v’chomer is just clarifying that anyone disqualified from terumah is also disqualified from marrying into the Kehunah.