2,501. Severing with a Single Motion

Hilchos Shechita 2:8

If one inserted a knife into a wall and passed an animal’s neck over it until it was slaughtered, the slaughter is valid so long as the neck was below and the knife was above because if the animal’s neck is above the knife, the animal might lower its weight onto the knife and cut without the proper motions. Such is not a valid slaughter, as we will see IY”H in the next chapter. Accordingly, when it comes to birds, the slaughter is valid regardless of whether the neck was above or below a knife inserted in a wall.

Hilchos Shechita 2:9

If someone slaughters by drawing the knife forward but not back, or back but not forward, the slaughter is valid. If he drew the knife back and forth until he completely severed the animal’s head, the slaughter is valid. Let’s say that someone drew the knife forward but not back, or back but not forward, and he severed the head while performing that single motion. If the knife is twice as long as the animal’s neck is wide, the slaughter is valid; if such is not the case, then the slaughter is invalid. If one slaughters two at once, the slaughter is valid.