2,500. How to Perform Shechitah

Hilchos Shechita 2:6

It is permitted to slaughter into dark water in which a reflection isn’t visible. One may likewise slaughter outside a pit, letting the blood flow into the pit, though one may not do this in the marketplace in order to avoid copying the non-Jewish practice. If someone does slaughter into a pit in the marketplace, one may not eat from what this person slaughters until he has been investigated to ensure that he’s not a heretic. It is permitted to slaughter against the wall of a ship even though the blood will flow down into the water. It is likewise permitted to slaughter on the outsides of utensils.

Hilchos Shechita 2:7

One performs ritual slaughter by extending the animal’s neck and passing the knife back and forth until the animal has been slaughtered. Regardless of whether an animal was lying down or if it was standing and he held the back of the animal’s neck with the knife in his hand underneath and he slaughtered, the slaughter is valid.