2,473. A Jew Participating in the Cooking Process

Maachalos Assuros 17:13

Bread is permitted if a non-Jew lit the oven and a Jew baked in it, if a Jew lit the oven and a non-Jew baked in it, or even if a non-Jew both lit the oven and baked in it but a Jew stoked or lowered the fire since he was involved in the baking. Even if he only threw a single piece of wood into the oven, he renders all the bread in it permitted. This is required only to underscore that non-Jewish bread is prohibited.

Maachalos Assuros 17:14

If a non-Jew cooks wine, milk, honey, etc. – anything that’s normally eaten raw – it is permitted. The Sages only made an enactment about things that aren’t eaten raw, like meat, unsalted fish, eggs and certain vegetables. If a non-Jew cooks such things from start to finish without a Jew’s involvement in the cooking process, they’re prohibited as bishul akum (non-Jewish cooking).