2,468. Kashering Utensils

Maachalos Assuros 17:3

Let’s say that someone bought metal or glass meal ware from a non-Jew. Utensils that the seller never used must be immersed in a mikvah, after which they are permitted for use. Utensils like cups and pitchers that the seller used for cold foods must be scrubbed clean and immersed, then they’re permitted. Utensils like pots and kettles that the seller used for hot foods must be purged in boiling water and immersed, after which they’re permitted. Utensils like spits and grills that the seller used in fire must be purged in fire until white-hot and their outer layer peels off. After this, they can be immersed and used.

Maachalos Assuros 17:4

Purging through boiling water is as follows: a smaller pot is put in a larger pot and they’re filled with water until the smaller pot is submerged, at which point the water is boiled well. If a large pot became prohibited, one puts dough or mud along its edges, which he fills with water so that it overflows, after which he boils it. In all cases, if one used a utensil before boiling, scrubbing, heating to white hot or immersing, the food is permitted because any fat absorbed in the utensil conveys a detrimental taste, as per halacha 17:2.