2,457. Trumah Can Nullify Orlah

Maachalos Assuros 16:16

Let’s say that yeast of trumah or from mixed species of a vineyard falls into a dough that has already risen, or that spices of terumah or from mixed species of a vineyard fall into a cooking pot that has already been seasoned. If there’s enough yeast to make the dough rise had it been unleavened, or enough spice to season the dish had it not already been seasoned, then the mixture is prohibited. If they’re enough to season or to leaven, they can be nullified based on the usual ratios, i.e., trumah in 101 times its volume and the mixed species of a vineyard in 201 times their volume.

Maachalos Assuros 16:17

Trumah can nullify orlah and the mixed species of a vineyard, as follows: If a seah of trumah falls into 99 seah of regular produce, after which a half-seah of orlah or of mixed species from a vineyard falls into the mixture, the respective prohibition doesn’t apply; it’s nullified by the 201 times its volume even though some of that 201 is trumah.