2,456. Different Varieties That Combine

Maachalos Assuros 16:14

If there are two or three names of the same species or three species of the same name, they combine to prohibit a pot of food when they season it or when they leaven dough. Accordingly, yeast from wheat and from barley are not considered two different substances. Rather, they’re both yeast so they’re considered the same and they combine to a single volume vis-à-vis causing a wheat dough to leaven if they taste like wheat when combined or to cause a barley dough to leaven if they taste like barley when combined.

Maachalos Assuros 16:15

An example of three names of the same species is river parsley, field parsley and garden parsley. Each has its own name but they’re of the same kind so they combine when used as a seasoning.