2,454. From Mixture to Mixture

Maachalos Assuros 16:10

If one pomegranate from a mixture falls into two other pomegranates from B’den and then one of those three fell into still other pomegranates, the most recent mixture is permitted. This is because the pomegranate from the first mixture is nullified by the preponderance of permitted pomegranates. However, if a pomegranate from the first mixture falls into 1,000 other pomegranates, they are all prohibited. The pomegranate in the first example was only nullified by the majority because of the multiple cases of doubt, i.e., if one from the second mixture falls elsewhere, it doesn’t render the third mixture prohibited. The same is true in all similar cases.

Maachalos Assuros 16:11

Let’s discuss nuts that were prohibited because an orlah nut got mixed in with them – or pomegranates, barrels, gourds or bread. If any of these were opened (or sliced, as appropriate) after being rendered prohibited, the prohibition can be nullified in 201 times its volume. This is also the case with a piece of prohibited meat that got ground with other pieces, all the same: the prohibition can be nullified in 60 times its volume.