2,453. Items of Local Significance

Maachalos Assuros 16:8

Pursuant to the previous halacha, if a bundle of vegetables that are mixed species of a vineyard get mixed with 200 other bundles, or if an esrog of orlah gets mixed with 200 other esrogim, all of them are permitted. The same is true in all similar cases.

Maachalos Assuros 16:9

The Rambam opines that, just like the nuts of Perech and the pomegranates of B’den were significant in Israel in Talmudic times, everything that is significant to the residents of a given locale can render a mixture prohibited in even the slightest volume because of its significance in that time and place. The things mentioned are because the slightest volume of them renders a mixture prohibited everywhere. The same rule would apply to similar things in other places. The Rambam says it’s obvious that all this is a rabbinic law.