2,451. One in a Thousand

Maachalos Assuros 16:4

Pursuant to the previous halacha, if one orlah pomegranate from B’den got mixed with thousands of other pomegranates, one is prohibited to benefit from the whole mixture. Similarly, if a sealed barrel of orlah wine or wine from mixed species of a vineyard got mixed with thousands of other sealed barrels, one is prohibited to benefit from all of them.

Maachalos Assuros 16:5

Similarly, if a piece of neveila or from a non-kosher species of animal, bird or fish got mixed with thousands of other pieces, everything is prohibited until one draws out the forbidden piece and ensures that there’s 60 times its volume. If one doesn’t draw it out, it will remain in the mixture and nothing will change. Such a piece is significant to him because one is honored by guests for such things.