2,446. Who Tastes a Trumah Mixture?

Maachalos Assuros 15:28

As has already been discussed, if something prohibited imparts taste to something permitted, the entire mixture is prohibited. This is when the forbidden flavor enhances the taste of food; if the forbidden flavor impairs the taste of the permitted thing, then the mixture is permitted. For this to be the case, the forbidden flavor must impair the taste from start to finish; if it only impairs taste at the start but it ultimately enhances it, or if it enhances it at the start but it ultimately impairs it, then the mixture is prohibited.

Maachalos Assuros 15:29

If trumah was mixed with regular crops, a kohein should taste the mixture. If the taste of the trumah can be distinguished, the mixture is considered meduma (a mixture of trumah and non-trumah prohibited to non-kohanim). The laws of meduma will be covered IY”H in Hilchos Trumos.