2,440. Nullification in 60:1

Maachalos Assuros 15:16

You might wonder why the volume needed to nullify orlah and the mixed species of a vineyard is twice what’s needed to nullify trumah. This is because it’s prohibited to benefit from orlah and the mixed species of a vineyard. The reason the Sages set the volume of 100 times for trumah is because trumas maaser is 1/100 of one’s crop but it renders the whole crop sanctified, as per Numbers 18:29, “its holiness.” The Sages said that something that must be separated from it sanctifies it when returned to it.

Maachalos Assuros 15:17

The volume needed to nullify all other Torah prohibitions, like the meat of vermin, swarming things, fat, blood, etc. is 60 times the prohibited item. For example, if an olive-sized piece of fat from the kidneys falls into 60 times the volume of an olive of fat from the fat tail, the whole thing is permitted. If it falls into less than 60 times its volume, the whole thing is prohibited. Similarly, if the fat is the size of a barleycorn, it must contain permitted items the volume of 60 barleycorns. The same principle applies to other prohibitions. Similarly, if fat of the sciatic nerve falls into a pot of meat, we need 60 times its volume to nullify it, not including the fat itself. Even though the fat of the sciatic nerve is only prohibited rabbinically, as has previously been discussed (halacha 8:1), since the sciatic nerve is considered its own entity, the Sages ruled stringently regarding it as if it were a Biblical prohibition. The sciatic nerve itself isn’t counted and it doesn’t render other things prohibited because it doesn’t impart taste.