2,439. Nullification in 200:1

Maachalos Assuros 15:14

Orlah and mixed species that grew in a vineyard are nullified in 201 times their volume (i.e., a ratio of 200:1). They combine with one another and one need not separate anything from them. Therefore, if a reviis of wine from orlah or from grapes that were grown in a vineyard with mixed species, or a reviis of wine from both of these things combined, falls into 200 reviis of regular wine, the whole thing is permitted, and one need not separate anything. If the prohibited reviis falls into less than 200 reviis, it is prohibited to benefit from all of it.

Maachalos Assuros 15:15

The reason one must separate from trumah but not from orlah or the mixed species of a vineyard is because trumah belongs to the kohanim. Therefore, one need not separate trumah that the kohanim don’t care about, like from inferior figs, carobs and Edomite barley.