2,428. Eating Food Without Benefit

Maachalos Assuros 14:11

Pursuant to the previous halacha, if someone liquefies fat and swallows it while it’s so hot that it burns his throat, or if he eats raw fat, or if he mixes something bitter into wine or into a pot of neveila and eats them while bitter, or if he eats prohibited food after it rots, spoils and becomes unfit for humans, he is exempt. Conversely, if one mixes something bitter into a pot of meat and milk or into wine from a vineyard with mixed species and he eats it, he is liable.

Maachalos Assuros 14:12

If someone eats a prohibited food as a joke or absentmindedly, he is liable. Even though he didn’t mean to eat the food, since he derived benefit from it, it’s as if he intended to do so. If someone is compelled to derive benefit and he intends to do so, he is liable; if not, it is permitted.