2,420. A Jewish Wine Seller

Maachalos Assuros 13:23

Let’s say that a Jew sells his wine to a non-Jew. If he fixed a price before measuring it out, then the money is permitted. This is because from the time the price was set, the non-Jew agreed, so he acquires the wine when he brings it into his domain and it’s not like libation wine he touches it. The result is that the wine is permitted at the time of sale. However, if he measures out the wine before the price is fixed, then the money is prohibited. This is because the non-Jewish customer has not agreed even though he brought the wine into his domain. The result is that he touches the wine without having agreed to the sale. The wine becomes prohibited by him handling it so it’s like the Jew is selling non-Jewish wine.

Maachalos Assuros 13:24

The above halacha applies when the Jewish seller measures wine into his own vessels. If he measures it into the non-Jewish customer’s vessels, or into a container owned by a Jew that happens to be in the non-Jew’s possession, then he must receive payment before measuring out the wine. If he measures out the wine without first receiving payment, the money is prohibited even if the price was set. As soon as the wine enters the non-Jewish customer’s vessel, it is prohibited as regular non-Jewish wine.