2,403. Leaving a Guest With Wine

Maachalos Assuros 12:18

Let’s say that a Jew was eating together with a non-Jew. He left some open wine both on the table and on the sideboard and he left. In such a case, the wine on the table is prohibited and the wine on the sideboard remains permitted. If the Jew told him to pour himself some wine and drink, then all the open wine in the house is rendered prohibited.

Maachalos Assuros 12:19

Let’s say that a Jew was drinking together with a non-Jew; he heard davening starting in shul so he left. In such a case, even open wine remains permitted because the non-Jew figures that the Jew will remember the wine, rush back and catch him if he handles it. We’re unconcerned that the non-Jew will move from his place so only the wine in front of him is rendered prohibited.