2,401. Two Drinking From the Same Vessel

Maachalos Assuros 12:14

Regarding the vessel of a Jew that has two straws like the vessels that are used for hand-washing and that is filled with wine, if a Jew is drinking from one straw and a non-Jew is drinking from the other straw, it is permitted so long as the Jew starts and ends while the non-Jew is still drinking. Once the non-Jew stops drinking, all the wine that was in his straw will flow back into the container and render all the wine in it prohibited because the wine in his straw was subject to his power.

Maachalos Assuros 12:15

If a non-Jew sucks wine from a barrel with a pipe, all the wine in the vessel is rendered prohibited. This is because when he stops, all the wine that entered the pipe because of his sucking will return to the barrel and render it prohibited.