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Baba Kama 6:6-7:1

Baba Kama 6:6

If someone struck with a hammer and a spark flew out, causing damage, he is liable. If a camel carrying flax passed by in the public domain and the flax stuck into a shop, catching fire from the shop owner’s candle and setting his business on fire, the camel driver is liable. If the shop owner placed his candle outside, then he is liable. Rabbi Yehuda says that if the candle outside is a Chanukah menorah, then the shop owner is exempt.

Baba Kama 7:1

The rule of double payments for theft is stronger than the rule of fourfold and fivefold payments for stealing animals because double payments apply to both animate and inanimate things but fourfold and fivefold payments only apply to an ox and a sheep as per Exodus 21:37, “If a person steals an ox or a sheep and slaughters or sells it….” One who steals from a thief does not make double payments, nor does one who slaughters or sells an ox or a sheep after a thief has stolen it make fourfold or fivefold payments.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz