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Baba Kama 7:6-7

Baba Kama 7:6

If the thief was pulling the animal to bring it out but it died while still in the owner’s domain, he is exempt. If he picked it up or brought it out of the owner’s domain and it died, he is liable. If the thief gave the animal to a kohein to redeem his son, or to a lender as payment, or to an unpaid watchman, a borrower, a paid watchman or a renter and this second person was pulling the animal when it died in the owner’s domain, the thief is exempt. If this second person picked the animal up or removed it from the owner’s domain and it died, the thief is liable.

Baba Kama 7:7

It is not permitted to raise small animals (sheep and goats) in Israel proper but it is permitted in Syria (lands annexed by Israel). It is not permitted to raise poultry in Jerusalem because of the sacrifices (i.e., they could carry things that would render sacrifices impure); kohanim may not raise poultry anywhere in Israel because of ritually-pure foods. Pigs may not be raised anywhere at all. One may only raise a dog if it is securely chained. One may only place nets to catch doves 30 ris from inhabited locations (about 2.5 miles).

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz