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Baba Kama 10:8-9

Baba Kama 10:8

If a person steals a sheep from the flock and returns it (without the owner’s knowledge), then it dies or is stolen, he must pay for it. If the owner didn’t even know that it had been stolen, let alone returned, so that when he counted his sheep they were all present and accounted for, then the thief is exempt.

Baba Kama 10:9

It is not permitted to buy wool, milk or young animals from shepherds or fruit from orchard watchmen (because these things may have been stolen). It is permitted to buy wool clothes from women in Judea, linen clothes from women in the Galilee, and calves from women in Sharon (because there is no reason to suspect theft) but if they tell you to hide the merchandise, then it is prohibited (because theft is now suspected). It is permitted to purchase eggs and fowl in any location.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz