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Baba Kama 10:10-Baba Metzia 1:1

Baba Kama 10:10

Threads that are removed from wool as part of the bleaching process belong to the launderer but those that come out during combing belong to the owner of the wool. The launderer is entitled to three threads; more than that go to the owner. If there were black threads in a white garment, the launderer may take them all. If the tailor has enough thread left over to sew with, or a patch of cloth three fingers by three fingers in size, it belongs to the owner. A carpenter may keep whatever he removes with a plane but whatever is removed with a hatchet belongs to the owner. If the carpenter is working in the owner’s domain, then even the sawdust remains with the owner.

Baba Metzia 1:1

Let’s say that two people are holding a cloak and each of them claims to have found it, or each one claims exclusive ownership. In such a case, each one swears that no less than half belongs to him and it is divided between them. If one person claims to own it in its entirety and the other says he owns half of it, the one who claims it all swears that he owns no less than three-quarters of it and the one who claims half swears that he owns no less than one-quarter of it; it is then divided accordingly.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz