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Baba Metzia 1:4-5

Baba Metzia 1:4

If a person saw a lost object and threw himself upon it bodily but another person grabbed it with his hands, the one who grabbed it has acquired it. If someone saw others chasing a lost object, a wounded stag or birds too young to fly and he decided that, since the object is on his property, being on his land acquires it for him, he acquires it. If the stag was running as stags normally do or the birds were flying, deciding that one’s land acquires it is ineffective.

Baba Metzia 1:5

If an object is found by a person’s young child, his non-Jewish servant or his wife, it belongs to him. If an object is found by a person’s grown child, his Jewish servant or his ex-wife – even though he did not yet pay her the value of her kesubah – it belongs to the one who found it.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz