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Baba Metzia 4:5-6

Baba Metzia 4:5

Rabbi Meir says that four issar may be missing from the weight of a sela before the rule of fraud applies, which is one issar per dinar. Rabbi Yehuda says four pundiyon, one pundiyon per dinar. Rabbi Shimon says, eight pundiyon, which is two pundiyon per dinar. [There are four dinar to a sela, 24 issar or 12 pundiyon to a dinar. Accordingly, a pundiyon is worth twice what an issar is worth.]

Baba Metzia 4:6

If a person is shorted in a change transaction, he can void the deal. In big cities, one has the amount of time it would take to show the coin to a money-changer; in small towns, he has until Friday afternoon. If the person who gave him the coin recognizes it, he should accept it from the one currently holding it even after 12 months but if he doesn’t, then the one with the deficient coin has no recourse. One with such a coin may use it to redeem second tithe without concern because one who refuses it is considered stingy.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz