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Baba Metzia 5:3-4

Baba Metzia 5:3

Let’s say that one person sold his field to another and gave him part of the money. It is prohibited for the seller to tell the buyer to bring the money whenever he likes and to take possession of the field then. If one person lent another money via a lien on the borrower’s field and the lender told the borrower that if he doesn’t repay within three years, the field will be his, then if the borrower defaults, the field belongs to the lender. Baitos ben Zonin used to conduct such transactions, which the Sages permitted.

Baba Metzia 5:4

One may not give a shopkeeper wholesale produce to sell in exchange for half of the profits, nor may one give a shopkeeper money to purchase produce in exchange for half of the profits, unless he pays the shopkeeper as an employee. One person may not give another chickens in exchange for half the profits, nor may one appraise calves and foals in exchange for half the profits, unless he pays the other as an employee and provides half of the animals’ feed. One may accept unappraised calves and foals and raise them until they are one-third grown in exchange for half the profit; the same is true of a donkey until it is old enough to carry a load.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz