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Baba Metzia 5:11-6:1

Baba Metzia 5:11

In an interest-bearing transaction, the following people violate a Torah prohibition: the lender, the borrower, the co-signer and the witnesses. The Sages also include the scribe. These people violate the prohibitions of “you shall not give" (Leviticus 25:37), "do not take from him" (Leviticus 25:36), "do not treat him like a creditor would" (Exodus 22:24), "do not impose interest upon him" (ibid.) and "Do not put a stumbling block before a blind person; rather, you shall fear your God. I am Hashem" (Leviticus 19:14).

Baba Metzia 6:1

If a person hired craftsmen and they cheated one another (by one of them misrepresenting the wage as lower than actually offered), they can only blame one another (i.e., the employer is only obligated to pay them the lower wage they agreed to). If a person hired a donkey driver or a coach driver to bring accessories or staff needed for a wedding or a funeral, or workers to remove his steeping flax, or anything else that will be ruined if not performed in a timely fashion, if the drivers cancel, then in a place where there is no replacement available at the agreed-upon rate, he may hire others at their expense or he may induce them to do the job by insincerely promising them more money.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz