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Baba Metzia 7:2-3

Baba Metzia 7:2

The following workers are entitled to eat under Torah law: one who works on produce that is still attached to the ground when completing his work, and one who works on produce that has been detached from the ground before the job has been completed. This law only applies to things that grow from the ground. The following workers are not entitled to eat: one who works on produce that is still attached to the ground when the work is not being completed, one who works on produce that has been detached from the ground after the job has been completed, and one who works on food that does not grow from the ground.

Baba Metzia 7:3

If a person performs labor with his hands but not his feet (like a fruit picker), with his feet but not his hands (like a grape treader), or even with his shoulder (like a porter), he is entitled to eat. Rabbi Yosi ben Yehuda says that one is not entitled to eat until he works with both his hands and his feet.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz