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Baba Metzia 7:6-7

Baba Metzia 7:6

A man may make conditions (to be paid extra in lieu of being fed) on behalf of himself, his adult children, his adult servants, and his wife because they can be expected to follow the instructions. He may not make such a condition for his minor children, his minor servants or his animals because they lack the understanding necessary to abide by the terms.

Baba Metzia 7:7

If a person hires workers to work on his trees in their fourth year (when their fruit must be redeemed), the workers may not eat from them. If the employer did not inform the workers when he hired them that the fruit may not be eaten, then he must redeem fruit in order to feed them. If a person’s cakes of figs separated, or if his wine barrels were open (and he hired workers to take care of these things), they may not eat from them (because these things are already obligated in tithes). If the employer did not inform the workers when he hired them that the food may not be eaten, then he must separate tithes in order to feed them.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz