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Baba Metzia 9:2-3

Baba Metzia 9:2

If one person received a field from another (i.e., as a sharecropper) and the field relied upon irrigation or had trees but the spring that provided irrigation dried up or the trees got cut down, the tenant may not deduct money from his rent payments. If the tenant specified to the landlord that he was renting the field that relies upon irrigation or the field that has trees but the spring dried up or the trees were cut down, then he may deduct money from his rent.

Baba Metzia 9:3

If one person received a field from another but the sharecropper let it lie fallow, the field is evaluated to determine how much it could have produced and the tenant pays the landlord accordingly. This is because the sharecropper writes in the contract that if he doesn’t work the land, letting it lie fallow, then he will pay the landlord according to what the land could have produced.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz